
October 16, 2016

Ordering Food In a Café Lesson Plan

Ordering Food In a Café Lesson Plan

Topic: In a cafe

  • To name items found in cafes
  • To read and order instructions
  • To review common food and drink items
  • To order food and drink in a cafe

Level: Entry 1

Target Language: counter, till, table, chair, tray, napkins, cutlery, glass, take, choose, collect, pay, ask,
Review: Can I have ….?   Would you like ….?  Please and Thank you
Also review: tea, coffee, orange juice, coke, sandwich, cheese, chicken, chips, pizza

  1. In a café – furniture
  2. In a café – what to do
  3. In a café – menu
  4. in a café – read the dialogue
  5. in a café – order the dialogue
LearnEnglish activities
  • In a café – what to do in a cafe – order the activities
  • Food and drink in a café – which are food and drink?
  • Cafe dialogue – order the dialogue

This lesson presents vocabulary relating to cafes. They also practise reading and ordering instructions and a short dialogue.  They practise a short role play.

  • Ask students if they ever go to cafes or fast food outlets
  • Elicit names of local cafes from students.
  • Ask about preferences.  Which cafes do they like?  Why?

Introduce cafe 'furniture' vocabulary:
  • Elicit names of the items found in a café.
  • Show pictures on a Smartboard if possible, or draw simple pictures on a whiteboard.
  • Write each item clearly on the board, eliciting suggestions for spelling.
  • Ask students to read words as you point to them. 
  • Remove the words on the board.  Give out worksheet (1)(1A) to weaker students and (1B) to stronger students.  Ask them to write the words next to the pictures.
Alternative: If the vocabulary items are completely unfamiliar to the students carry out a mingle/match activity, before giving out the sheets to complete.
  • Distribute cut-up word/picture cards (1C) around the class.  Give the quickest students more cards. 
  • Ask students to mingle and find the word or picture that matches their card and bring it to you to check.  This gives students the opportunity to consult each other, negotiate and come to an agreement without feeling self conscious.

Reading activity:
  • Ask students what they need to do if they go in a café.  Try to get them to describe the steps orally.
  • Demonstrate by acting out the steps expected in a café.
  • Hand out worksheet (2) and bring up a giant copy on a Smartboard if possible.
  • Ask students to read instructions aloud. 
  • Explain that the instructions need to be put in order – point out the number 1 and ask which one is number 2.  Number all the instructions together as a class if it seems necessary, otherwise allow students to complete by themselves.
  • Ask students to copy out instructions in the correct order.

LearnEnglish activity
  • “In a café” – what to do in a cafe – order the activities

Review food and drink vocabulary:
Note: This assumes students have talked about food in a previous lesson, and already know the names of common foods and drinks.

  • Elicit a list of popular food and drinks and discuss preferences
  • Give out worksheet (3) and ask students to sort food and drinks into the right columns.
  • Check using a giant version on a Smartboard if possible. 
  • Estimate prices of each item and add these to the list.

Rationale: estimating prices will mean students review pronunciation of prices and prompt further discussion of different local cafes.

LearnEnglish activity
  • “Food and drink in a café” – which are food and drink?

Dialogue activity (1):

  • Elicit suggestions of what you might say in a café.  Write suggestions on a board.
  • Hand out worksheet (4) and ask 2 strong students to read it aloud. 
  • Look for comparisons with students' suggestions
  • Ask students to complete comprehension questions at the bottom of the page.

Dialogue activity (2)
  • Give out worksheet (5). and bring up a giant copy on a Smartboard if possible.
  • Ask students to read instructions aloud. 
  • Ask students to number each line as before.
  • Number all the instructions together as a class if it seems necessary, otherwise check and confirm answers as a class.
  • Ask students to copy out statements/questions etc in the correct order.
  • Check dialogues as students finish and pair them to practise the dialogues.
  • Encourage students to vary what they ask for and to role play without reading from the worksheet.
  • Ask them perform their role plays to the class.

LearnEnglish activity
  • “Cafe dialogue” – order the dialogue

Ask students to practise asking for food in a real café.

Any or all electronic activities could be given as homework for further practice instead of being carried out in class.  Training would have to be given in class at the beginning of the course.  Students would need access to a computer for this.
Worksheet 1
A) Shopping – In a café
glass      table       cutlery     chair     counter      till     tray       napkins

B) Shopping – In a café

Write the words

C) Shopping – In a café
Cut up and match the words and pictures

Worksheet 2
Shopping – In a café – What to do

Put the sentences in order.

Enjoy your food and drink.

Take a tray.
Ask for your food and drink at the counter.

Choose a table to sit down.

Collect cutlery and napkins.

Pay for your food at the till.

1 ………………………………………………………………………………………………

Worksheet 3
Shopping – In  a café – Menu

Write the words in the right places.

tea                     cheese sandwich          coffee               pizza         orange juice        coke                   chicken sandwich          chips

Menu Food                                                                                              Menu Drinks

Worksheet 4
Shopping – In a café – Read the dialogue

Can I help you?

Can I have a cheese sandwich please?

Would you like anything to drink?

Can I have a coffee please?

Here you are.  That’s £2.75 please.

Thank you

 Thank you.
1.    What does the girl want to eat? …………………….
2.    What does the girl want to drink? …………………………
How much does it cost? ………………………………

Worksheet 5
Shopping – In a café – Order the dialogue

Put the sentences in the speech bubbles
Thanks. Bye.

Good morning.  What would you like?
That’s £2 please.

Thank you.

Here you are.  Anything else?

No, thanks.

Can I have a chicken sandwich and a cup of tea please?








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